Machine Learning Classification Example
- motionModel.zip contains the ML classification model PB file
- ml-classification.tar.gz is a docker container that runs training and test data for verification of model
- helper-bundle.zip is an optional zip file which has:
- A system template that can be used for a quick setup of the demo
- Some meta data about the model (like input tensor, output tensor names etc) just for reference
- There is a Tengoscript code as well, incase the model output needs further modification
See Documentation here: ML Classification Example
The goal of this solution is to provide an example of how to run a Machine Learning model on LitmusEdge -> Analytics. There is an example model provided, along with system template so that the model should be up and running with minimal effort
This is a pre-trained classification model, so expected output should be an array of values showing the percentage chance of each possible classification outcome